Hoofdstuk drie van het project Usufructuaries of earth is een tweedaagse conventie die kunstenaars en andere denkers en sociale actoren samenbrengt om te delen en te leren over vruchtgebruik als een manier om eigendom ongedaan te maken.
Friday 24 May 2024
16.00–22.00 hrs
Saturday 25 May 2024
12–22.00 hrs
The public program is open to everyone, but it is advised to pre-book your ticket through Eventbrite in order to assure access.
A ticket for 1 day costs €6, a ticket for both days costs €10. BAK offers without-cost solidarity tickets to enable the participation of those who would otherwise be unable to afford a ticket. Some soup and snacks prepared by b.ASIC a.CTIVIST k.ITCHEN upon solidarity donation.
On 25 May, some elements of the program will be in Spanish with live Spanish-English interpretation. If you wish to make use of this, please bring a phone with the Zoom app, your own headphones and if possible, a portable charger.