
Nasrin Tabatabai & Babak Affrasiabi
Pages Nasrin Tabatabai & Babak Affrasiabi


Kader Attia speaking during the opening
Kader Attia speaking during the opening program of Fragments of Repair, view from La Dynamo de Banlieues Bleues, Pantin, Paris, 17 April 2021, photo courtesy of La Colonie
Tammie Kang, time to times, 2019, instal
Tammie Kang, time to times, 2019, installation HKU MA Fine Art graduation exhibition Futures Without... at BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, 2019, photo: Franz Müller-Schmidt
Design: Mevis & Van Deursen. The book co
Design: Mevis & Van Deursen. The book cover features a detail of the artwork by Július Koller, Question Mark Cultural Situation (U.F.O.), 1992, white latex on ready-made textile, collection mumok, Vienna, courtesy of Július Koller Society, Bratislava an
Ruth Wilson Gilmore’s online contribut
Ruth Wilson Gilmore’s online contribution to the conversation “Life and Death Beyond the Boundary,” Usufructuaries of earth convention, 24 May 2024, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, photo: Tom Phillip Janssen
Tehching Hsieh, One Year Performance 19
Tehching HsiehOne Year Performance 1980–1981. Punching the Time Clock, 1980–1981, installation view No Linear Fucking Time, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, 2021, photo: Tom Janssen

Gerrit Dekker. About no below, no above, no sides


Concerning War: A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art (Second Edition)
