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Stichting BAK, basis voor actuele kunst

Pauwstraat 13 A
3512 TG Utrecht

030 231 61 25

Chamber of Commerce number:


BAK, basis voor actuele kunst is a foundation for art, theory and social action. BAK is committed to the idea of art as public domain and political space, providing a critical platform for aesthetic-political experimentation with and through art. BAK brings together artists, thinkers and other members of the precarious class to imagine and express transformative ways of being together differently.

Board composition
BAK is governed by the Executive Board consisting of one person:

Artistic/General Director: Maria Hlavajova

The salary and regulation of the other terms of employment of the Management are determined by the Supervisory Board. The Management/General Director receives remuneration as an employee (member of the Board) of BAK, basis voor actuele kunst. This remuneration falls (comfortably) within the WNT norm (Wet normering bezoldiging topfunctionarissen publieke en semipublieke sector).

The employees of BAK fall under the 'Richtlijn functie- en loongebouw presentatie-instellingen voor beeldende kunst' of De Zaak Nu.

Supervisory Board
BAK has a Supervisory Board whose task is to supervise the policy of the Management Board and the general course of affairs in the Foundation and its affiliated organization. The Supervisory Board assists the Management with advice.

The Supervisory Board is unpaid and receives only an attendance fee that is not excessive. Expenses incurred by members in the performance of their duties are reimbursed on a claim basis.

The Supervisory Board of BAK, basis voor actuele kunst currently has the following composition:

Kitty Zijlmans (chairman)

Katherine Watson (member)

Gerben Biermann (member)

Main points of policy plan 2021-2024:
In the period 2021-2024, the focus will be on three strategic areas that include both innovation and deepening: prospection, anticipatory learning and 'Greta generation'.

These new areas of focus point to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, an era of unprecedented promise, as well as great potential danger, according to the World Economic Forum. Today's society is insufficiently prepared to face the major challenges of our time: inequality, uncertainty, debt, stress, precarity, increasing robotization, climate crisis/mass extinction and the rise of populism/fascism. The illusions of the future as we imagined them in the twentieth century (including modernist utopias in art) are neither feasible nor desirable. How do you create other prospects that change the existing idea of ​​the future? A 'different future' awaits us, one without illusions. In the coming period we will investigate what role art and BAK as an institution can play in this.

The idea of ​​prospection is central here. Prospection does not result in a utopian vision of the future, but functions as a concrete proposal. It underlines the ability of art and art practitioners to foreground the anticipatory and speculative side of artistic practice, with the aim of envisioning and putting into practice a just future.

Art functions as a strategic form of creative intelligence with which possible prospects can be imagined and tested. This is based on our existing transdisciplinary practice of art, science and social action, but we add technology, rights and policy, fueled by the knowledge gained in the collaboration with Forensic Architecture (2018-2019).

Anticipatory learning
In BAK's current practice, communal learning is a pedagogical and practical instrument for learning together with others about, with and through art. In the coming period we will take this a step further through anticipatory learning. Unlike the transfer of existing knowledge (as in educational situations), anticipatory learning is a process of collectively generating knowledge that does not yet exist. With this we build on the experience gained in the Trainings for the Not-Yet program (2019-2020).

'Generation Greta'
Young people between the ages of fourteen and twenty – 'Greta generation' – are taking matters into their own hands when it comes to, for example, the climate crisis. BAK strengthens its relationship with this generation and goes beyond conventional educational programs.
We do not see young people as a passive group to be educated, but as equal, passionate spokespersons for social change. For such empowerment through art, BAK will create a conceptual framework and professional guidance for this group in the coming period under the name BAK Young Fellows. This follows from the education program for secondary education intensified by BAK, discussions with schools, the project with the European Youth Parliament (2018) and the post-academic program.
Annual reports
Standard form for publication ANBI General