until 28 July 2024
Research Interrupted: works on display

Please find more information about all the works that will be on display in the exhibition space as part of the week-long presentation Research Interrupted.

Click here for the timetable.

Expropriation and Displacement: Spatial Politics Under Capital
SB Arch Lab (Gülistan Kenanoğlu and Çağlar Hanaylı) and Iliada Charalambous
2024, video and research materials
The collaborative research project between SB Arch Lab (Gülistan Kenanoğlu and Çağlar Hanaylı) and Iliada Charalambous explores questions around the instrumentalization of architecture as part of state and capital's apparatus aiding processes of gentrification, disappearance, and transformation of public space either through militaristic interventions or capitalist accumulations. The research is situated in part in Diyarbakir, exploring the transformation of the Sur region in Turkey and partly in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. During Research Interrupted, a video essay exploring the topic from various angles is presented along with a space for gathering where the audience is invited to engage with some of the research materials.
SB Arch Lab, 3D render, 2024
SB Arch Lab, 3D render, 2024

Holding Hands Through Machines Made to Chop Off Hands
Radical Data
2024, installations and games

Radical Data present discoveries from their transdisciplinary artistic research project, Holding Hands Through Machines Made to Chop Off Hands. Their process explored the exploitative nature of digital labor on platforms like Mechanical Turk, emphasizing the tension between perceived autonomy and the reality of precarious work. Through a series of installations and games, visitors experience Radical Data’s subversive use of digital spaces to cultivate radical solidarity and human connection. This exhibition challenges the neoliberal ideals of borderless labor and autonomy, offering a critical reflection on how art, technology, and collective resistance can reimagine and transform oppressive systems. Join them in exploring the hidden realities of digital labor and the revolutionary potential of creative subversion and solidarity.
Courtesy: Radical Data
Courtesy: Radical Data

Presentation of Ongoing Research and Discussion
2024, presentation and discussion

This presentation by Yâni/Yaani includes documentation of the collective’s work and their published outcome. Formed shortly after the start of the BAK Situated Practice Fellowship, Yâni/Yaani is a group that works using multilingual and translational writing, video, and drawing. Living in four different cities, the artists bring this separation and the specifics of their habitats, as well as their personal and familial histories of migration and movement, into their collective work. The research content spans locations such as Amsterdam, Beirut, Ankara, Kyrenia, Tehran, Istanbul, Utrecht, and İzmir. Their first public work, entitled Still in my Quotidian, an attempt at imagining the possibilities of text acting as host, was performed at de Appel, Amsterdam in March 2024. In this lecture performance, the artists presented a collective composition of text, drawings, and videos that spoke to experiences of and references to belonging, alienation, and familiarity with one’s mother tongue, as well as questions of absence and presence. The second iteration was a gathering where all participants spent time together in person for the first time at sezon, an art space in İzmir. Their publication seeks to present the ongoing and unfinished nature of their work and is divided into chapters about cities that have particular resonations within the research. Yâni is Hanieh Fatouraee, Siwar Krai(y)tem, Alev Ersan, and Betül Aksu.
Courtesy: Yâni
Courtesy: Yâni

Doubts (Tereddütler)
Fırat Yücel
2024, video installation, 11 min. (loop)
Video, text, editing, and photographs by Fırat Yücel
Camera by Enis Köstepen and Fırat Yücel

Fırat Yücel’s video Doubts (Tereddütler) centers around a hypothetical text exchange between fictional characters who, years later, plan to make a documentary about the Gezi Resistance of 2013, using available footage. Set in a time when filmmakers face imprisonment even for films they didn’t make; the video explores how the government’s “documentaphobia” impacts documentary-m akers in Turkey. When determining who and what appears in the frame, do one’s fears or their political stances weigh more heavily? Doubts is a desktop thriller resting upon the tension between anonymity and political will. It’s the prologue to Seen Unseen: An Anthology of (Auto)Censorship, a collective documentary consisting of six videos about censorship, produced by Altyazı Fasikül: Free Cinema with artistic direction by Yücel.
Courtesy: Fırat Yücel
Courtesy: Fırat Yücel

LUMEN TEMPUS - Bargaining Beyond Rest: The Constellations Series
Andrea Knezović
2024, vinyl diagram

How do people use autoethnography to explore different translations of intergenerational trauma? What are the ways one can map the cognitive labor of self-care? And what type of alternative queer thought styles and systems can be created, nurtured, or negotiated to model sustainable examples of social participation and psychocultural dynamics?

The Constellations is a series of autoethnographic scores and constellations—a fabulatory artistic inquisition examining different ontologies of self-care, the tropes of failure, the politics of rest, trauma negotiation, and intellectual neurosis while probing the precariousness of societal emotional strategies through satirical humor.

For this particular occasion Knezović dives into the different articulations of the politics of rest and the impact of cognitive capitalism on people’s intimate systems of care. The diagram is part of the larger research and umbrella project Nocturnalities: Bargaining Beyond Rest.
Andrea Knezović, LUMEN TEMPUS - Bargeni
Andrea Knezović, LUMEN TEMPUS - Bargening Beyond Rest The Constallations, series, 2024

Small Act
Maoyi Qiu
2024, video

Can the physical and emotional exhaustion of individuals be staved off so that movements don’t exhaust themselves altogether? In Small Act: A Patient (Ins)urgency of Political Defeat, Maoyi Qiu proposes questions around the construction and deconstruction of bodies through the interplay between social movements and psychic transformation. A video essay assembles the asynchronicity of social actions and the gloomy granularity of everyday forms of tiredness and explores whether it is possible to overcome these in the absence of transformed social relations. This is a burning question among modern-day activists: “They found that they could not change their desires or behaviors overnight to live according to their political principles, feeling out of sync or experiencing psychic lag,” writes Hannah Proctor in Burn Out: The Emotional Experience of Political Defeat (2024).
Maoyi Qiu, Small Act, video screenshot,
Maoyi Qiu, Small Act, video screenshot, 2024

When the far becomes the near
Paula Montecinos Oliva
2024, ongoing performative radiobroadcast*
“People in my homeland cannot say what they think... and they cannot even think what they think anymore because self-censorship goes beyond any limit.”

Jorge González of Los Prisioneros

When the far becomes the near is a fugitive performance that sneaks in and out from the visitor’s ears, amplifying sound frequencies from Gezi to Plaza de la Dignidad. Prompting acts of anticipatory listening, it extends the latency of a new outburst.

*Personal headphones are required