Yasmin Ahmed
organizer and facilitator
Organizer and facilitator Yasmin Ahmed is active in various movements for social transformation in local and international contexts.
Her political work is based in anti-imperialist solidarity and collective praxis, particularly with the liberation struggles in Palestine and the Philippines. This is realized through on-the-ground mobilization; developing and delivering education; and facilitating sites for movement building. She is a co-coordinator of the Basic Activist Kitchen (2019–ongoing), a project born in the context of Trainings for the Not-Yet (2019–2020) at BAK, which she participated in with her political collective Revolutionaire Eenheid (RE). The Basic Activist Kitchen is being developed to a long-term initiative, rooted in facilitating community building. In RE, her role is in alliance and coalition work, she is active in the International Women’s Alliance, and sits on the coordinating committee of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, an organization that strives to realize the unity, cooperation, and coordination of anti-imperialist and democratic struggles throughout the world. Ahmed lives and works in Amsterdam.