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Actueel en Verwacht
Hilde Brontsema
10 January 2019

A lecture by Hilde Brontsema (Milieudefensie, Amsterdam) as part of the Propositions for Non-Fascist living #7: Evidentiary Methods (Propositions #7/5: Sense).

Wietske Maas

An introduction by Wietkse Maas (BAK basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht) as part of the Propositions for Non-Fascist living #7: Evidentiary Methods (Propositions #7/5: Sense).

Samaneh Moafi

A lecture by Samaneh Moafi (Forensic Architecture, London) as part of the Propositions for Non-Fascist living #7: Evidentiary Methods (Propositions #7/5: Sense).

Propositions #7/5 I

A discussion with Samaneh Moafi (Forensic Architecture, London) and Hilde Brontsema (Milieudefensie, Amsterdam).

Hilde Brontsema

A lecture by Hilde Brontsema (Milieudefensie, Amsterdam) as part of the Propositions for Non-Fascist living #7: Evidentiary Methods (Propositions #7/5: Sense).