7 October 2017
Propositions #1: What We Mean

Koki Tanaka, Provisional Studies: Workshop #7 How to live together, and sharing the unknown, 2017, actie, workshop, en video documentatie

Danilo Correale, Reverie: On the Liberation from Work, 2017, audio-opname, iedere zijde 21:20 min., installatiefoto

Ahmet Ogüt tijdens Propositions #1: What We Mean op 7 oktober 2017, foto: Tom Janssen

Angela Dimitrakaki en Antonia Majaca in samenwerking met Sanja Iveković, Art Of The Possible: Towards An Antifascist Feminist Front, 2017. Foto: Tom Janssen

Yael Bartana, What If Women Ruled the World, 2016, neon, 150.7 x 58.8 cm, Courtesy Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam

Tania Bruguera. Awareness Ribbon for Immigrant Respect Campaign, 2011. Awareness campagne, metalen speld, foto: Camilo Godoy. Met dank aan Immigrant Movement International

Amy Balkin, PUBLIC SMOG IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR DIRECT ACTION, billboard, Bonamoussadi, Douala, Kameroen, 2009. (Foto: Benoît Mangin, met dank aan de kunstenaar)

Hiwa K, Pre-Image (Blind as the Mother Tongue), 2017, digitale video, kleur, geluid, courtesy de kunstenaar en KOW, Berlijn

Kader Attia, Reflecting Memory, 2016, HD digitale videoproductie, kleur, geluid. Foto: Kader Attia, courtesy de kunstenaar, Galleria Continua, Galerie Krinzinger, Lehmann Maupin en Galerie Nagel Draxler.

Marinella Senatore,
Protest Forms: Memory and Celebration (Accoustic Version), 2016–doorlopend, performance tijdens Propositions #1: What We Mean op 7 oktober 2017. Foto: Tom Janssen

Otobong Nkanga, Preliminary Recipe for a Support System, digitale tekening, collage en acrylverf op papier, 2016–2017

Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Cinema Olanda, 2017, productiestill, foto: Daria Scagliola

Foto: Tom Janssen

Film Poster of Lizzie Borden's Born in Flames, 1983, reprinted in The Independent: Film and Video Monthly, November 1983

Luigi Coppola, Popolazione Evolutiva (Evolutionary Population), Castiglione d'Otranto, Italië, 2016. Foto: F. Quarta Colosso

Schiphol schoonmakers bereiden hun banners en borden voor tijdens de schoonmakersstaking in januari 2014. Foto: Matthijs de Bruijne

Zicht op tentnederzetting in Çınar kamp, Diyarbakir, 2016, foto: Pelin Tan

Ola Hassanain, Back and Forth: Gender Politics and Khartoum, Dialogue 1, 2016, videostill. Courtesy de kunstenaar

Karrabing Film Collective, Night Time Go, 2017

Karrabing Film Collective, Wutharr: Saltwater Dreams, 2015, film still

Foto: Tom Janssen

Pedro Reyes, Manufacturing Mischiefs (Working Title), 2017, Propositions for Non-Fascist Living #1; What We Mean, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, 7 oktober 2017, foto: Tom Janssen

Propositions #1: What We Mean vertrekt vanuit de urgentie om te onderzoeken – en de onzekerheid over – wat leven op niet-fascistische wijze is en kan zijn. De samenkomst vindt op geïmproviseerde wijze plaats te midden van de renovatie van BAK’s nieuwe locatie.

Met impromptu kunstwerken, lezingen, leesgroepen, discussies, screenings, performances en een verkenning van de ‘assembly’ – van manieren van samenzijn – als een kunstvorm, draagt Propositions #1: What We Mean kunst uit als een praktijk van denken en handelen die in kan grijpen in de huidige tijd. Artistieke interventies en het filmprogramma zijn ook te bezichtigen op zondag 8 oktober 2017.

Bekijk het persbericht


Koki Tanaka


Danilo Correale


Ahmet Öğüt


Angela Dimitrakaki, Sanja Iveković, Antonia Majaca


Yael Bartana


Tania Bruguera


Amy Balkin


Hiwa K


Kader Attia


Marinella Senatore

Discursief, Performatief

Evi Lachlana, Otobong Nkanga

Discursief, Performatief

Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Charl Landvreugd

Lezing-Performance, Performatief

Quinsy Gario

Discursief, Filmvertoning

Sepake Angiama

Discursief, Performatief

Luigi Coppola

Discursief, Gesprek

Charisma Adams, Matthijs de Bruijne, Migrant Domestic Workers netwerk FNV

Discursief, Gesprek

Isshaq Al-Barbary (Campus in Camps), Diego Segatto (Campus in Camps), Pelin Tan


Ola Hassanain


Karrabing Film Collective

Discursief, Tentoonstellend

Karrabing Film Collective, Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Vivian Ziherl



Pedro Reyes

15 februari 2023, 10.00-18.00

A series of practical publishing workshops hosted by an active squat and anarchist social center in Amsterdam and organized by the Bookbinding Studio of Sandberg Instituut/Rietveld Academy and Lila Athanasiadou. 

Community Portal

4 februari 2023, 13.00-18.00

Using the sancocho (a pan-Latin American soup with no fixed recipe) as a tool for research and encounter, Mercado Lourdes (Bogotá, Colombia) will host and organize a series of field meals. These events activate and connect the multiple affects that have resulted from ongoing research with local producers into the biodiversity of the territory.  

Community Portal

16 december 2022, 15.00-17.00

In all continents, people have built matriarchal cosmologies sustained by complex rituals. In the advent of main modern religions and after centuries of colonizing invasions, the goddesses of antiquity were suppressed by the patriarchal structures that consolidated our era. However, they found ways to speak to us in the language of patterns, melodies, and poems. This workshop uses the voice as a method to reveal the presence of goddesses. 

Community Portal

27 januari, 18.30–29 januari, 21.00 2023

During these sessions—part of the bASIC aCTIVIST kITCHEN (b.a.k.) program in collaboration with Berend Bombarius, De Voorkamer and BAK, basis voor actuele kunst—we want to collectively explore the topic of setting up community kitchens. Different strategies, tools, methodologies, and contexts are explored to learn more about the challenges and opportunities in the practices and theories of community kitchens.

Community Portal


Installatie Forensic Justice, BAK, basis
Installatie Forensic Justice, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, 2018–2019