Manuel Beltrán, Mark B.N. Hansen, Koen Leurs, Geert Lovink, Mirko Tobias Schäfer, Timotheus Vermeulen
As electronic networks and the technologies associated with them precede into their nth operational generation; new generations of humans are assigned to ever deeper levels of digital nativity; and when digital mediation births the new public sphere, how do we asses the various ethical, political and legal agendas and stake-holders involved: from the government to the individual; the corporation to the community, from the military to the migrant. These intersections might point to the particular questions of rights around transparency and technological advancement; but as weaponry and systems of organization (to name a few) become “autonomous” from direct human control, these questions also give over to deeper concerns of the co-movement of posthuman subjectivities, digital citizenry, and resistance emanating from within these assemblages.
Of the issues at stake in this Human-Inhuman-Posthuman series, central to the present session is to ask to what extent can the interconnection between theory, science, politics, and artistic–curatorial practice but put to work in addressing the vitality and urgency of for example: non-human agency; the demonstrable in-folding assumed-subjects, and presumed-objects into one another in the research of the in/post/-human—not to mention into entirely new forms of being altogether; and considering the emphasis this series places on the evolution of future vocabularies, what can artistic practice do to strengthen and inspire the co-creation of conceptual and experimental terminologies at the same time as forging methodological and political allegiances robust enough for the complexity of our times.”
Met bijdragen van: Manuel Beltrán (kunstenaar en activist, Den Haag), Mark B.N. Hansen (hoogleraar Literatuur en hoofd Undergraduate Studies aan Duke University, Durham), Koen Leurs (Postdoctoral Fellow aan het Departement Media and Communications van de London School of Economics and Political Science), Geert Lovink (mediatheoreticus, internetcriticus, lector aan de School for Communication and Media Design van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en directeur van het Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam), Mirko Tobias Schäfer (universitair docent New Media & Digital Culture aan de Universiteit Utrecht en hoofd van de Utrecht Data School) en Timotheus Vermeulen (universitair docent Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen en hoofd van het Centre for New Aesthetics, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen).
15 februari 2023, 10.00-18.00
A series of practical publishing workshops hosted by an active squat and anarchist social center in Amsterdam and organized by the Bookbinding Studio of Sandberg Instituut/Rietveld Academy and Lila Athanasiadou.
Community Portal
4 februari 2023, 13.00-18.00
Using the sancocho (a pan-Latin American soup with no fixed recipe) as a tool for research and encounter, Mercado Lourdes (Bogotá, Colombia) will host and organize a series of field meals. These events activate and connect the multiple affects that have resulted from ongoing research with local producers into the biodiversity of the territory.
Community Portal
16 december 2022, 15.00-17.00
In all continents, people have built matriarchal cosmologies sustained by complex rituals. In the advent of main modern religions and after centuries of colonizing invasions, the goddesses of antiquity were suppressed by the patriarchal structures that consolidated our era. However, they found ways to speak to us in the language of patterns, melodies, and poems. This workshop uses the voice as a method to reveal the presence of goddesses.
Community Portal
27 januari, 18.30–29 januari, 21.00 2023
During these sessions—part of the bASIC aCTIVIST kITCHEN (b.a.k.) program in collaboration with Berend Bombarius, De Voorkamer and BAK, basis voor actuele kunst—we want to collectively explore the topic of setting up community kitchens. Different strategies, tools, methodologies, and contexts are explored to learn more about the challenges and opportunities in the practices and theories of community kitchens.
Community Portal
Long-Term ProjectFuture Vocabularies