until 3 July 2022

How are we connected to the complexity of the world and all the choices we make in it? How do we find our way in a fragmented reality, and where are we still able to meet each other? What are the most relevant questions of our time, and how (and to whom) do we look for answers?

The program Photography at the University of the Arts, Utrecht, educates visual artists who do not just question the world and the position they take in it, but also the medium of photography itself. The camera functions more frequently as a symbol for a way of looking that is applied strategically in an experimental process, where a large variety of influences are embraced and studied.

The Photography course is characterized by the freedom students receive to experiment. This is behind a large visual diversity among the exam projects in UPSCALING/DOWNSIZING.

The themes that broadly bind this group of young creators together are the digitalization of society and the role of technology in shaping identities, opinions, and memories.

Diversity and complexity of cultural identities are studied from perspectives such as postcolonialism, neurodiversity, and youth culture, but also from the characteristics of the medium. The new generation of creators does not shy away from thoroughly testing the limits of photography, studying the medium in relation to other media, and bringing to light taboo and critical questions in a personal manner.
Exhibition times:
29 June–3 July 2022 (Wed⁠–⁠Sun, 13⁠.00–⁠19.00)

BAK, basis voor de actuele kunst, Utrecht

Friday 1 July 2022, )

Long-Term ProjectBAK Studies