until 2 November 2019
Training XII
Symposium Voices of New Women
The twelfth training as part of Trainings for the Not-Yet is a symposium for and by refugee & migrant women by New Women Connectors and BAK, basis voor actuele kunst.
This symposium is for and by refugee and migrant women from all cultural backgrounds, to not only learn, connect and share, but also to build more inclusive policies; celebrating women’s resilience and ideas & strategies worth spreading. The symposium, which is part of the project Trainings for the Not-Yet at BAK, provides an opportunity for refugee and migrant women to connect and share stories and knowledge, in order to explore ways in which they can empower themselves.
Following presentations by invited speakers, small groups discuss key topics such as social economic integration, social support (or lack of), and access to opportunities. Voices of New Women is open to attend for all refugee and migrant women, but also invites diaspora representatives, migrant organizations, policy advisors, researchers, and practitioners working in the field of migration to join in. Although this event centers on women’s experiences, men who are supportive and respectful of these struggles are also welcome to attend.
The event will provide refugee and migrant women the opportunity to get involved with a diverse network and share stories and experiences. Join a meaningful discourse around the existing challenges, and get support in taking big new steps in your lives.
10-18 hrs, including lunch at 13 hrs in the Basic Activist Kitchen
It is possible to join on individual days, although attending both days is recommended.
Language: English and Dutch (translators will be present)
Following presentations by invited speakers, small groups discuss key topics such as social economic integration, social support (or lack of), and access to opportunities. Voices of New Women is open to attend for all refugee and migrant women, but also invites diaspora representatives, migrant organizations, policy advisors, researchers, and practitioners working in the field of migration to join in. Although this event centers on women’s experiences, men who are supportive and respectful of these struggles are also welcome to attend.
The event will provide refugee and migrant women the opportunity to get involved with a diverse network and share stories and experiences. Join a meaningful discourse around the existing challenges, and get support in taking big new steps in your lives.
10-18 hrs, including lunch at 13 hrs in the Basic Activist Kitchen
It is possible to join on individual days, although attending both days is recommended.
Language: English and Dutch (translators will be present)

Friday 1 November 2019 10.00 – 18.00 hrs
[/b]The Friday program focuses on social and economic (in)equalities through the lens of refugees and migrants, with a focus on the importance of education and care.
Morning program 10.00 – 13.00 hrs
General introduction by Anila Noor: founder of New Women Connectors, a platform by and for migrant and refugee women.
Sharing lived experiences by Refugees and Migrants.
Milka Yemane, founder of Stichting Lemat
Pravini Baboeram, activist, artist and educator who focuses on diversity within the government, education and the job market
Geraldine Moodley, human rights lawyer and diversity expert
Shaza Al Hariwi, refugee, experienced in the field of mental health care
Afternoon program 14.00 – 18.00 hrs
14.00 – 17.00 Workshop sessions in World Café setting
17.00 – 17.30 Performance by Abdulaal Hussein, directed by Paul de Bruyne
17.30 – 18.00 Drinks
Saturday 2 November 2019 10.00 – 18.00 hrs
The Saturday program focuses on women’s rights in the Netherlands and social and economic inclusion. In the afternoon we will work together in small groups towards possibilities and solutions.
Morning program 10.00 – 13.00 hrs
Panel discussion followed by a conversation with the audience.
Amanda Paz Alcenar: Assistant Professor Media and Migration at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Yvette Ruzibiza: Masters of Arts in Development Studies
Melody Deldjou Fard, councillor at City Council Utrecht, Culture & Diversity
Maria Hlavajova, founder and creative director of BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht
Afternoon program 14.00 – 17.00 hrs
14.00 – 17.00 Workshop sessions in World Café-setting
17.00 – 18.00 Drinks and music
[/b]The Friday program focuses on social and economic (in)equalities through the lens of refugees and migrants, with a focus on the importance of education and care.
Morning program 10.00 – 13.00 hrs
General introduction by Anila Noor: founder of New Women Connectors, a platform by and for migrant and refugee women.
Sharing lived experiences by Refugees and Migrants.
Milka Yemane, founder of Stichting Lemat
Pravini Baboeram, activist, artist and educator who focuses on diversity within the government, education and the job market
Geraldine Moodley, human rights lawyer and diversity expert
Shaza Al Hariwi, refugee, experienced in the field of mental health care
Afternoon program 14.00 – 18.00 hrs
14.00 – 17.00 Workshop sessions in World Café setting
17.00 – 17.30 Performance by Abdulaal Hussein, directed by Paul de Bruyne
17.30 – 18.00 Drinks
Saturday 2 November 2019 10.00 – 18.00 hrs
The Saturday program focuses on women’s rights in the Netherlands and social and economic inclusion. In the afternoon we will work together in small groups towards possibilities and solutions.
Morning program 10.00 – 13.00 hrs
Panel discussion followed by a conversation with the audience.
Amanda Paz Alcenar: Assistant Professor Media and Migration at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Yvette Ruzibiza: Masters of Arts in Development Studies
Melody Deldjou Fard, councillor at City Council Utrecht, Culture & Diversity
Maria Hlavajova, founder and creative director of BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht
Afternoon program 14.00 – 17.00 hrs
14.00 – 17.00 Workshop sessions in World Café-setting
17.00 – 18.00 Drinks and music

Long-Term ProjectPropositions for Non-Fascist Living
with: New Women Connectors
Trainings for the Not-YetTraining XXIITraining XXTraining XXITraining XVIIITraining XVI Training XVII Training XVPropositions #9/4 Training Propositions #9/3 Training Propositions #9/2 TrainingPropositions #9/1 Training Training XIIITraining XIITraining XIStranded FMTraining XTraining VIII Training IXTraining VII Training VI Training IV Training V Training IIIThe Basic Activist KitchenTraining II Training Program Training I Opening Trainings BAK, basis voor…