12 October 2019
Training VII

Extended Bodies: Care, Accountability and Relation

The seventh training as part of the Trainings for the Not-Yet is with Whitney Stark, and takes place on 12 October 2019. This training focuses on thinking exercises and collaborative resource building to come up with and share tools, practices, and ideas on care, accountability, and relation.

This training considers the materiality of social structures and the idea of the extended body, a body with physical presence that constantly brings into being further collective social bodies, experiences, ways of being, and ways of thinking. Extended bodies are present in a room wherever there are people; they occupy and affect space, whether physical, emotional, political; and they shape conversations, relations, and potentials.

Many parts of the extended body are not straightforwardly physical or spatial, and what is nonmaterial is frequently regarded as immaterial—what isn’t matter doesn’t matter. These aspects can thus become intangible, invisible or taboo. Nevertheless, these extended bodies do “take up space,” “bump into each other,” “step on each other, or even caress” as they intersect and overlap. Looking at bodies this way suggests alternative strategies for being together: strategies for practicing care, consent, solid-arity, and accountability in ways that work toward less oppressive relationalities and healthier, transformative boundaries. This training addresses and troubles these possibilities, drawing from radical pedagogies, anti-oppressive organizing practices, affirmative consent practices, and feminist new-materialist and affect studies.

When: 12 October 2019 (Saturday)
One day, 14-18 hrs.

This is a one-day training.
Language: English