The project Future Vocabularies is initiated in 2014 with an opening vocabulary entry on survival. It is envisioned as a foundational sequence, evolving over the course of the full year and made up of multiple conceptual narratives from which to draw the subsequent themes and methods for both thinking and acting.
Unlike the semesters that follow, each of which entails collaboration with an individual fellow, the inaugural term brings together a number of artists and theorists from several of BAK’s key past and ongoing projects. In this way, we wish to draw a line of continuity from within both our dialogues with our publics and our archive of knowledge, composed in various collective collaborative constellations, into the unknown of the future.
Brought together under the common denominator of (rethinking) survival, the project attempts to act out concrete propositions that explore the “conditions of possibility” from within what is largely considered the crisis-ridden, ruinous folds of today—working not against, but “in spite of the times” we live in.
Cardboard Walls
In the Stomach of the Predators
Learning place
Learning Place: Curating the Political
Learning Place: Art Amid The Contemporary Disquiet
Publications & texts
Exhibition text
Future Vocabularies: Survival
by Maria Hlavajova
