Made possible by
Decommodifying Housinga role-playing exercise with Homebaked Community Land Trust (CLT) (Britt Jurgensen), De Nieuwe Meent (Selçuk Balamir), de Kasko (Joska Ottjes), Refugee Collective We Are Here, Ethel Baraona Pohl, and Irene Calabuch Miron.
Decommodifying Housing[/i training will share their learnings through a practical exercise of role-playing.
Everyone is invited to join this simulation of diverse scenarios relating to radical housing alternatives, drawn from the experiences and urgencies shared during the training. Working in groups, the proposed challenges are faced with a strategic and cooperative approach, opening a space for reflection around the learnings of the training week.
Cannot make it to the role play session? Join us at 16.00 hrs for the presentations and discussion, where we will put in common our experiences and discuss further alliances and collaborations.
14:00 Word of welcome and presentation of the game
14:30 Break-out sessions.
16:00 Presentations and discussion
17:30 Closing drinks
Trainings for the Not-Yeton Sunday 20 October.
Tickets via Eventbrite.
This event is free to attend for participants to the training with Homebaked, Decommodifying Housing[/i, taking place that week.