14 November 2019
Propositions #9/2 Training
‘The Plague’ with Rose Hammer & lecture 'Transfixing Fascist Episteme' by Tom Holert
This second day of the week of Propositions #9 Deserting from the Culture Wars consists of a training with Rose Hammer and a public program including a lecture with Tom Holert.
This second day of the week of Propositions #9 Deserting from the Culture Wars consists of training “The Plague” with Rose Hammer (Stacey E. Devoe, Dora Garcia, Nora Joung, Per-Oskar Leu, Niels Munk Plum; Oslo), and a public program including the lecture Transfixing Fascist Episteme with Tom Holert.
Thursday 14 november 2019
TRAINING #2: 13.30–17.30
“THE PLAGUE” with Rose Hammer (Stacey E. Devoe, Dora Garcia, Nora Joung, Per-Oskar Leu, and Niels Munk Plum; Oslo)
Rose Hammer is an artistic persona consisting of twenty artists that was created as a response to an invitation from osloBIENNALEN to create a work in public space. Rose Hammer aims to escape the logic of the individual artist, becoming instead a transnational, transgenerational, and transdisciplinary persona. The group carefully considers relatively unknown stories at the origin of mainstream notions of identity, nationality, and history, in order to construct a counter narrative, and to present it following the rules of Brechtian agitprop: with explicit, clearly formulated political positions, non-hierarchical dynamics, and a reductio ad absurdum of notions such as professionality, virtuosity, and entertainment. The presentations are always site- and context specific. In this training, Rose Hammer introduces participants to their new project, based on The Plague by Albert Camus and the opera of the same name by Roberto Gerhard. The participants are guided through a classical session of Rose Hammer group work, using as material one of the chapters of the novel/opera, and involving singing, dancing, and dialogue.
PUBLIC PROGRAM #2: 19.00-21:30
19.00–19.30 hrs
19.30–19.45 hrs
Maria Hlavajova (artistic and general director, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht) and Sven Lütticken (art historian, critic, and writer, Utrecht)
19.45–20.15 hrs
20.15–21.00 hrs
Tom Holert (art historian, writer and curator, co-founder of the Harun Farocki Institut, Berlin)
In an attempt to spell out the things that should definitely be avoided by those working in the media, progressive US-Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently urged them, among other things, to avoid providing neo-Nazis with airtime on TV: “You will open a box you don’t know how to contain.” The brown box of contemporary fascism contains highly incoherent and, at times, absurd thought, which has been among the key characteristics of its preceding, twentieth-century versions. However, as underlined by Theodor W. Adorno in a recently rediscovered 1967 lecture on right-wing radicalism, not all elements of fascist ideology are simply untrue, “but the truth serves a false ideology, and the real feat of defense is to transfix the abuse of the truth for the sake of the untruth, and to fight it.” Considering the peculiar, intoxicating function of “truth” in contemporary politics, how could an appropriate epistemic politics be envisioned in order to impale the truth-untruth of (neo-)fascist thought?
21.00–21.30 hrs
Q&A, moderated by Sven Lütticken
“THE PLAGUE” with Rose Hammer (Stacey E. Devoe, Dora Garcia, Nora Joung, Per-Oskar Leu, and Niels Munk Plum; Oslo)
Rose Hammer is an artistic persona consisting of twenty artists that was created as a response to an invitation from osloBIENNALEN to create a work in public space. Rose Hammer aims to escape the logic of the individual artist, becoming instead a transnational, transgenerational, and transdisciplinary persona. The group carefully considers relatively unknown stories at the origin of mainstream notions of identity, nationality, and history, in order to construct a counter narrative, and to present it following the rules of Brechtian agitprop: with explicit, clearly formulated political positions, non-hierarchical dynamics, and a reductio ad absurdum of notions such as professionality, virtuosity, and entertainment. The presentations are always site- and context specific. In this training, Rose Hammer introduces participants to their new project, based on The Plague by Albert Camus and the opera of the same name by Roberto Gerhard. The participants are guided through a classical session of Rose Hammer group work, using as material one of the chapters of the novel/opera, and involving singing, dancing, and dialogue.
PUBLIC PROGRAM #2: 19.00-21:30
19.00–19.30 hrs
19.30–19.45 hrs
Maria Hlavajova (artistic and general director, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht) and Sven Lütticken (art historian, critic, and writer, Utrecht)
19.45–20.15 hrs
20.15–21.00 hrs
Tom Holert (art historian, writer and curator, co-founder of the Harun Farocki Institut, Berlin)
In an attempt to spell out the things that should definitely be avoided by those working in the media, progressive US-Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently urged them, among other things, to avoid providing neo-Nazis with airtime on TV: “You will open a box you don’t know how to contain.” The brown box of contemporary fascism contains highly incoherent and, at times, absurd thought, which has been among the key characteristics of its preceding, twentieth-century versions. However, as underlined by Theodor W. Adorno in a recently rediscovered 1967 lecture on right-wing radicalism, not all elements of fascist ideology are simply untrue, “but the truth serves a false ideology, and the real feat of defense is to transfix the abuse of the truth for the sake of the untruth, and to fight it.” Considering the peculiar, intoxicating function of “truth” in contemporary politics, how could an appropriate epistemic politics be envisioned in order to impale the truth-untruth of (neo-)fascist thought?
21.00–21.30 hrs
Q&A, moderated by Sven Lütticken
Long-Term ProjectPropositions for Non-Fascist LivingTrainings for the Not-YetTraining XXIITraining XXTraining XXITraining XVIIITraining XVI Training XVII Training XVPropositions #9/4 Training Propositions #9/3 Training Propositions #9/2 TrainingPropositions #9/1 Training Training XIIITraining XIITraining XIStranded FMTraining XTraining VIII Training IXTraining VII Training VI Training IV Training V Training IIIThe Basic Activist KitchenTraining II Training Program Training I Opening Trainings BAK, basis voor…