Bak Young Fellows offers space, time and resources for developing projects professionally. With a group of young people you will research, imagine, try out, and take action!
You can apply through this application form!
Have you ever imagined a different world? Do you have ideas on how to do things differently? Are you looking for a space to think about art and social change? Would you like input and support to help realize a project?
Bak Young Fellows offers space, time and resources for developing projects professionally. With a group of young people you will research, imagine, try out, and take action!
BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, offers a program for young people between 15 and 19 years old to collectively develop a project where art, culture and social topics meet. For a period of 4 months, we work on one or more artistic projects with a social impact. Together we decide if it will take the form of one big project or several smaller projects. As a bak Young Fellow you will work collectively to make the world a better place for everyone!
We work from the idea of “visionary fiction, prompted by artist and writer Walidah Imarisha. She states that if we want a more just world, we need to imagine that future NOW and live it as if it is already here. We need to understand that we are responsible and need to take action to make our imagined future reality.
BAK wants to shape the future with young people; therefore, we offer our space and resources. We offer a fully equipped auditorium/theater, exhibition space, and soundproof studio. In addition, our team is available, including production staff, curators, artists, activists, architects and writers, who will help us imagine other ways of being together and bring this into practice. You decide yourself what your (collective) research will be. This can be a protest, an exhibition, an artwork, performance, music, podcast, a radio show, anything.
Between the 5th of March and the 18th of June, we will meet 14 times on Tuesday afternoon from 16 – 18 hrs (with a break during May holidays). Count on ± 2 hrs p/w extra for working alone or in smaller groups. Next to the Tuesday afternoon we will visit a fitting project or exhibition. These costs will be reimbursed and next to that you will get a monthly stipendium of €100. In exchange we expect enthusiasm, motivation, an active attitude and being present at BAK.
Do you want your project to be realized? Apply now! Use the link below. We would like to know a bit about you, so we’ve created some questions. Could you apply before the 4th of February 2024? If we receive a lot of applications we will make a selection, there is room for 10 young people. You can also apply as a group or collective.
The interviews will take place in the week of the 5th of February.
Practical information:
Date meetings: 5, 12, 19, 26 March; 2, 9, 16, 23 April; 14, 21, 28 May; 4, 11, 18 June; 16 – 18 hrs at BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht.
+ Daytrip (date to be determined)
Stipendium: € 100,- p/m
Final selection date: 20.2.2024
How do I apply?
You apply through this application form. You can apply till the 4th of February 2024.
Questions about the application
Do you have questions about the application for the bak Young Fellows program, please contact Jolijt Bosch via educatie@bakonline.org.