24 November 2022
Mental Health Symposium: Communal Care & Healing

Community Portal hosts....

On Thursday, November 24th, 2022, Colored Qollective in collaboration with POCQunity host their third annual symposium, this time focusing on the mental health of queer people of color. The theme of the symposium is Communal Care & Healing.

The main purpose of the symposium is to provide a platform for queer people of color, and to discuss urgent topics. Currently, we are in a mental health crisis, with endless waiting lists and lack of sufficient care. This symposium is a first step to discuss how we as a community can support each other in our self-reliance and mental well-being.

For whom?
This symposium is an open event and accessible to anyone who is interested. We explicitly invite healthcare professionals and queer people of color to register for the symposium. In addition, activists, advocacy organizations, policy makers and researchers are also more than welcome to participate in the event. We urge people who do not belong to the target audience to register as an online guest due to limited capacity.

Colored Qollective & POCQunity
This symposium is organized by Colored Qollective and POCQunity, subsidized by the Municipality of Utrecht and COC Netherlands. Colored Qollective is a grass-roots organization founded in 2018, and provides a safe(r) space for and by LGBTQIA+ people of color. POCQunity is an independent project that provides psychosocial counseling for LGBTQIA+ people of color in Utrecht and environment.


18.00–18.45: Music by DJ Amir
18:45–19:05: Decolonial ritual by Fazle Shairmahomed
19.05–19.10: Introduction by host Ayisha Heuerding
19.10–19.20: Welcome by Colored Qollective & POCQUnity
19.20–19.50: Keynote speech by dr. Aminata Cairo
19.50–20:00: Short break
20.00–20.05: Campaign video
20.05–20.45: Panel discussion with Sharona Lautoe (Black Trans Art & Joy Fund), Nur Aydin (POCQUnity) and Sierra Durgaram (Bar Bario), moderated by Naomi Grant
20.45–21.00: Closing

Registration is required via the link at the top of this page.

Do you have questions or remarks? Please send an email to: