18 May 2008
Master Humphrey’s Clock

In collaboration with

During an intensive research period at BAK in preparation for major upcoming projects–part of which evolve through a series of public lectures and discussion groups with Utrecht University–BAK’s exhibition premises are temporarily made available for hosting a selection of short-term presentations developed by contemporary art and culture institutions in Utrecht and the Netherlands.

On Sunday 18 May 2008 at 16.00 hrs BAK, basis voor actuele kunst hosts an artist’s talk by Michael Stevenson as part of the project Master Humphrey’s Clock, organized by the participants of the Curatorial Programme 2007/2008, de Appel, Amsterdam.

On the same day a guided tour with the curators of Master Humphrey’s Clock commences at 13.00 hrs at Het Gebouw by Stanley Brouwn and Bertus Mulder: Hogeweide 3B, Leidsche Rijn, Utrecht.
