
Sakiya is a progressive academy for experimental knowledge production and sharing, grafting local agrarian traditions of self-sufficiency with contemporary art- and ecological practices.
This circular system of knowledge production and sharing integrates agriculture within the framework of an interdisciplinary residency program, where cultural actors, such as farmers, craftspeople, or small industry initiatives, assume a prominent role alongside visiting and local artists and scholars challenging the demographic divide that characterizes cultural production and consumption in Palestine. Sakiya’s core programs engage food production, exhibitions, symposia, publications, education, and training workshops, exploring the intersections between art, science, and agriculture in a sustainable and replicable model.

Sakiya’s vision is: “Liberation through a society whose confidence is rooted in traditional and contemporary ecological practices, whose tolerance echoes nature’s diversity, whose generosity springs from collective labour, whose creativity is enriched by the intersections between art, science, and agriculture and whose prosperity is shared beyond boundaries.”


Marwa Arsanios, Usufructuaries of earth,
Marwa Arsanios, Usufructuaries of earth, installation view BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, 2024, photo: Tom Janssen