Stefano Harney

Stefano Harney is author with Fred Moten of The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study (2013) and All Incomplete (2020), both published by Minor Compositions/Autonomedia.
He is currently professor of transversal aesthetics at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, Cologne. He has taught widely in Southeast Asia, North America, and Europe. He works in a number of collectives including freethought (who conducted a series of study sessions at part of the 2021/2022 BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice), Le Mardi Gras Listening Collective, School for Study, Ground Provisions, and Anti-Colonial Machine.


Marwa Arsanios, Usufructuaries of earth,
Marwa Arsanios, Usufructuaries of earth, exhibition opening BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, 2024, photo: Tom Janssen
Marwa Arsanios, Usufructuaries of earth,
Marwa Arsanios, Usufructuaries of earth, installation view BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, 2024, photo: Tom Janssen
Front: Skylab. Back: “Dagat kay Dagway
Front: Skylab. Back: “Dagat kay Dagway”
Closing session of the BAK 2020 Fellowsh
Closing session of the BAK 2020 Fellowship, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, 2020, photo: Tom Janssen
Photo: Ludger Storcks
Photo: Ludger Storcks
Jonas Staal and We Are Here, New World A
Jonas Staal and We Are Here, New World Academy #2: Collective Struggle of Refugees: Lost. In Between. Together, public forum, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, 1 December 2013, photo: Ernie Buts
Learning Place, FORMER WEST: Documents,
Learning Place, FORMER WEST: Documents, Constellation, Prospects, Berlin, 18–24 March 2013, photo: Ernie Buts
Closing Plenary of Usufructuaries of ear
Closing Plenary of Usufructuaries of earth, chapter three, convention, on 25 May 2024