Raoul Vaneigem

writer and philosopher, Brussels
Raoul Vaneigem (born 1934) is a writer, philosopher, and one of the key theorists of the Situationist movement who proponed a more poetic approach, ultimately pursuing his interest in self-regulating social order. His books include: Lettre à mes enfa
Raoul Vaneigem (born 1934) is a writer, philosopher, and one of the key theorists of the Situationist movement who proponed a more poetic approach, ultimately pursuing his interest in self-regulating social order. His books include: Lettre à mes enfants et aux enfants du monde à venir (2012); Das Buch der Lüste (1979); and The Revolution of Everyday Life (1967). [Last updated 2013]


Learning Place, FORMER WEST: Documents,
Learning Place, FORMER WEST: Documents, Constellation, Prospects, Berlin, 18–24 March 2013, photo: Ernie Buts