Arelly Collazos
guardian of Afrodescendent seeds and member of Grupo Semillas
Arelly Collazos is an Afro-Colombian woman from the southwest of Colombia, the daughter of peasants.
Arelly Collazos is an Afro-Colombian woman from the southwest of Colombia, the daughter of peasants. Collazos is passionate about all expressions of life and deeply respects the universal laws that govern it. She is a wife and mother of two children. With over 30 years of experience in nursing, she is now dedicated to taking the bread from the earth, the true bread that sustains life, enacting food sovereignty that gives dignity to the communities and her territory. She is a teacher at the Cacilda Cundumí School and actively participates in the Process for Political Incidence of Northern Cauca. Additionally, she manages community economies, including self-managed savings groups and farmers’ markets.