until 14 May 2022
Unite for City Rights!
Undocumented people face many challenges in accessing basic and human rights in European cities. Since 2019, a network of grassroots, migrant-led initiatives and organizations, and cultural institutions have collaborated to co-create a toolkit for inclusive cities.
A collection of innovative and creative practices and ideas toward making cities more inclusive, focused at undocumented people.
During the three-day conference Unite for City Rights!, the European network City Rights United (CRU) launches its toolkit Inclusive European Cities for All, with a program consisting of conversations and presentationsto learn more about and engage with various practices that help make cities more inclusive.
During the three-day conference Unite for City Rights!, the European network City Rights United (CRU) launches its toolkit Inclusive European Cities for All, with a program consisting of conversations and presentationsto learn more about and engage with various practices that help make cities more inclusive.
Thursday 12 May 2022: Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
Friday 13 and Saturday 14 May 2022: BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht
Free to attend
Saturday’s program consists of closed gatherings with the City Rights United partners and wider network. If you would like to join, please contact City Rights United through this page.
FRIDAY, 13 MAY 2022
10.00–12.00 hrs: GATHERING
Unite for City Rights: An Inclusive City for All
In this gathering, City Rights United partners and local Utrecht organizations gather to exchange and discuss practices in the CRU toolkit in respect to local initiatives. What practices can be an inspiration for struggles in Utrecht, and what practices from Utrecht could inspire the CRU partners? With Villa Vrede and STIL, both from Utrecht, among others. Moderated by Here to Support, Amsterdam.
12.00–13.00 hrs: LUNCH BREAK.
Lunch provided by Villa Vrede, Utrecht.
13.00–14.30 hrs: GATHERING
Do’s and Don’ts for Academic Research By and With Undocumented People
This discussion revolves around the good (and bad) practices in collaborations between researchers and undocumented people. Using past experiences from the room as a point of departure, participants discuss and develop ethical guidelines for research conducted with and for undocumented people. Moderated by PhD researcher Jordan Dez.
14.30–16.00 hrs: OPEN ROUNDTABLE
Seat at the Table: ‘Not About Us, Without Us’
This open roundtable conversation revolves around strategies and examples of successful advocacy by and with undocumented people and migrants. Often, undocumented people and migrants of color are excluded from decision-making processes in cities. This conversation discusses strategies for undocumented people to get a seat at the table. What needs to change? What struggles need to be overcome? This roundtable is a space ‘Not about us, Without Us’. Undocumented people are especially invited to take to the stage and talk during this semi-structured conversation.
16.00–19.00 hrs:
Activists Football Tournament
Sport brings people together, whether they are playing or supporting, and the power of football can be used to come together to raise public attention in an unconventional way. Before heading back to BAK for the start of the evening program, a meal is provided on site.
Address: Voetbalclun DHSC (Dos Holland – Stichtse Boys Combinatie), Thorbeckelaan 16, Utrecht.
17.30–19.00 hrs: GATHERING (invitation only)
LGBTQI+ Meetup
A safe space, organized by the LGBTQI+ working group of CRU, for LGBTQI+ migrants and refugees as well as support organizations, to talk about the specific struggles experienced by LGBTQI+ refugees when arriving in Europe and during the asylum process.
19.00–20.00 hrs: DINNER BREAK
For those at and around BAK, a meal can be picked up at Ethiopisch Restaurant Sunshine, to be enjoyed at BAK or—capacity permitting—at the restaurant (Pauwstraat 11, Utrecht).
20.00–21.30 hrs: PANEL CONVERSATION
Food & Activisms
This panel conversation focuses on the role of food in mutual support and political organizing: from mutual aid and material distribution to creating spaces of conviviality, storytelling, pedagogy, and solidarity. With contributions by: Ex OPG –Je so’ pazzo, Naples; the basic activist kitchen, Utrecht; Abarka, Barcelona; and others.
10.30–14.30 hrs: WORKING GROUPS
Focusing on CRU’s future plans, Saturday’s program consists of various focus gatherings among the City Rights United partners and its wider network. Through small group gatherings, the project’s partners and various aligned organisations will dive into questions on how to proceed with the practices collected and discussed throughout the conference, and the project generally. How can they optimize the impact of, and/or secure the continuation of valuable practices and knowledge toward more inclusive cities? This gathering is by invitation only. If you would like to join, please contact City Rights United via info@heretosupport.nl. Marking the end of the conference, a collective lunch is organized by the basic activist kitchen (the b.a.k.) in collaboration with Migrante Utrecht, Utrecht.
On Thursday 12 May, the conference takes place at Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam (for a full program, click here) and continues Friday 13 and Saturday 14 May at BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht.
Friday 13 and Saturday 14 May 2022: BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht
Free to attend
Saturday’s program consists of closed gatherings with the City Rights United partners and wider network. If you would like to join, please contact City Rights United through this page.
FRIDAY, 13 MAY 2022
10.00–12.00 hrs: GATHERING
Unite for City Rights: An Inclusive City for All
In this gathering, City Rights United partners and local Utrecht organizations gather to exchange and discuss practices in the CRU toolkit in respect to local initiatives. What practices can be an inspiration for struggles in Utrecht, and what practices from Utrecht could inspire the CRU partners? With Villa Vrede and STIL, both from Utrecht, among others. Moderated by Here to Support, Amsterdam.
12.00–13.00 hrs: LUNCH BREAK.
Lunch provided by Villa Vrede, Utrecht.
13.00–14.30 hrs: GATHERING
Do’s and Don’ts for Academic Research By and With Undocumented People
This discussion revolves around the good (and bad) practices in collaborations between researchers and undocumented people. Using past experiences from the room as a point of departure, participants discuss and develop ethical guidelines for research conducted with and for undocumented people. Moderated by PhD researcher Jordan Dez.
14.30–16.00 hrs: OPEN ROUNDTABLE
Seat at the Table: ‘Not About Us, Without Us’
This open roundtable conversation revolves around strategies and examples of successful advocacy by and with undocumented people and migrants. Often, undocumented people and migrants of color are excluded from decision-making processes in cities. This conversation discusses strategies for undocumented people to get a seat at the table. What needs to change? What struggles need to be overcome? This roundtable is a space ‘Not about us, Without Us’. Undocumented people are especially invited to take to the stage and talk during this semi-structured conversation.
16.00–19.00 hrs:
Activists Football Tournament
Sport brings people together, whether they are playing or supporting, and the power of football can be used to come together to raise public attention in an unconventional way. Before heading back to BAK for the start of the evening program, a meal is provided on site.
Address: Voetbalclun DHSC (Dos Holland – Stichtse Boys Combinatie), Thorbeckelaan 16, Utrecht.
17.30–19.00 hrs: GATHERING (invitation only)
LGBTQI+ Meetup
A safe space, organized by the LGBTQI+ working group of CRU, for LGBTQI+ migrants and refugees as well as support organizations, to talk about the specific struggles experienced by LGBTQI+ refugees when arriving in Europe and during the asylum process.
19.00–20.00 hrs: DINNER BREAK
For those at and around BAK, a meal can be picked up at Ethiopisch Restaurant Sunshine, to be enjoyed at BAK or—capacity permitting—at the restaurant (Pauwstraat 11, Utrecht).
20.00–21.30 hrs: PANEL CONVERSATION
Food & Activisms
This panel conversation focuses on the role of food in mutual support and political organizing: from mutual aid and material distribution to creating spaces of conviviality, storytelling, pedagogy, and solidarity. With contributions by: Ex OPG –Je so’ pazzo, Naples; the basic activist kitchen, Utrecht; Abarka, Barcelona; and others.
10.30–14.30 hrs: WORKING GROUPS
Focusing on CRU’s future plans, Saturday’s program consists of various focus gatherings among the City Rights United partners and its wider network. Through small group gatherings, the project’s partners and various aligned organisations will dive into questions on how to proceed with the practices collected and discussed throughout the conference, and the project generally. How can they optimize the impact of, and/or secure the continuation of valuable practices and knowledge toward more inclusive cities? This gathering is by invitation only. If you would like to join, please contact City Rights United via info@heretosupport.nl. Marking the end of the conference, a collective lunch is organized by the basic activist kitchen (the b.a.k.) in collaboration with Migrante Utrecht, Utrecht.
On Thursday 12 May, the conference takes place at Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam (for a full program, click here) and continues Friday 13 and Saturday 14 May at BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht.