16 October 2020
Book Launch: Deserting from the ...
Deserting from the Culture Wars
BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht is proud to invite you to the book launch Deserting from the Culture Wars, the second reader in our BASICS series, published by BAK, basis voor atuele kunst and MIT Press, Cambridge, MA and edited by Maria Hlavajova and Sven Lütticken.
The book launch is part of the Reopening of Tony Cokes: To Live as Equals at BAK (16-17 October 2020). Deserting from the Culture Wars reflects upon and intervenes in our current moment of ever-more polarizing ideological combat, often seen as the return of the “culture wars.” How are these culture wars defined and waged? Engaging in a theater of war that has been delineated by the enemy is a shortcut to defeat. Getting out of the reactive mode that produces little but a series of Pavlovian responses, this book proposes a tactical desertion from the culture wars as they are being waged today—a refusal to play the other side’s war games, an unwillingness to be distracted.
Read more on the book here.
Read more on the book here.